A very happy Easter to you all and a special warm welcome to the new arrivals in the village.
Since the last report many of you will have noticed the progress that has been made in the redevelopment of the village hall. With all the ground work now complete and the walls built the roof is now under construction. Please refer to the more detailed coverage of the refurbishment in this issue. We have had the hedges surrounding the green ‘trimmed’ and hope that it is looking a little neater and there is more work to be done up at the Recreation Ground.
Some of you suggested that we made enquiries concerning the possible purchase of the telephone box that is due for removal from Wellhouse Road. This we did. However, we were informed that we were not able to buy the exact box, but we could make enquiries about buying a similar one. As this would defeat the ‘nostalgic’ element of the ‘Wellhouse Box’ we will not be pursuing this idea.
Our social calendar has continued to thrive, although slightly curtailed by the need to restrict some bookings owing to the building work. Do please visit the Diary to see the programme of events in more detail. I would like here to put in a plea for volunteers to take on providing the food at our Social Evenings, held on the last Friday of each month. Costs are covered and it means maybe once a year catering for about 40 people, producing a main meal and dessert. We are currently looking to cover from June onwards through to November. Please let me know if you can help and remember that as from August it is likely that the new kitchen will be installed and cooking can be done on the premises if prefered.
So, the next time that I will be compiling my Chairman’s Report it will be July and by that time there will have been a great deal of change at the village hall. Always feel free to come along and see how things are progressing and any time you want to know more please don’t hesitate to give me a call or email me.
Once again have a great Easter and hope to see you down at our ‘local’ – the Village Hall.
Peter Cox