Beech Village Hall has a number of vacancies, some voluntary, some paid, that it needs to fill. Can you help?
These include:
This paid role is for a regular visit to the Village Hall, and its grounds, to ensure that the external presentation of the Hall and its immediate grounds are always tidy and well . Mowing, tree work, and hedge maintenance not included, as this is dealt with separately. It is expected that this role would require around two hours per week, depending on the season.
Kitchen Equipment Manager:
This is a voluntary role for a person who will take an interest in the catering equipment at the Village Hall. The Hall and its catering kitchen is frequently hired and used for Social Events when the catering equipment is used. This equipment is an asset of the Hall which requires constant monitoring to ensure it is in repair and maintained properly.
The role includes:
Regular visits to the Hall to check state of the equipment
Report any needed maintenance or repairs to larger equipment items
Purchase smaller supplies as required
Visits to the Hall for the role on a weekly basis, perhaps half an hour per week depending on need.
Charity Secretary:
This is a voluntary role and should take a few hours before, during and after the Managment meetings (four times a year), and the AGM and annual work on the regulatory filing issues.
No particular qualifications are required, but the usual skills with Word and Email will be useful.
For further information regarding any of these positions, please give Nick a call on 563046 for a discreet, no commitment chat.