Springtime in Beech features primroses, bluebells and sales of our 100 Club subscriptions! With regular monthly draws currently being done via Facebook Live, it is a great way in which we can keep alive our sense of shared community in these challenging times. Sadly, the Village Hall has been closed since March due to the coronavirus lockdown, so its usual sources of income, from hirings and social events, have completely ceased for the time being. For this reason, your support for the 100 Club will be especially appreciated this year. £60 gets you a chance to win £200 in each of 12 monthly draws. And the odds of winning are high, as so many villagers already know! You may also win more than once in a single year.
Please go to https://www.beechvillage.org.uk/events/ to tell us if you want to join in. We will then contact you to let you know what numbers are still available, and find out how you wish to pay your subscription. You can find the rules at https://www.beechvillage.org.uk/2017/05/beech-village-hall-100-club-201718/
We look forward to hearing from you.