Communication & Networking
Making the Beech Neighbourhood Watch scheme work well for us all can be easily summarised in two words: Communication & Networking.
The method is to have a single point of contact with the police, the main Neighbourhood Watch coordinator. He then communicates alerts and information to each of the thirteen co-ordinators. They, in turn will feed this information into their areas. Also they feed back any sinister events. This is where the Email database is invaluable to ensure wide and efficient coverage.
In order to facilitate the two-way communication of information and alerts received from both the police and residents, we have generated a residents’ confidential Email database. This database is for the sole use of your Beech Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators and its access is strictly controlled in order to protect your privacy. This has been achieved over more than 10 years and over 95% of the homes are now on our contact list. A database manager oversees the integrity and security of the database.
The Database only contains the following information:
1. Your name, address and postcode
2. The name of the person in your household to whom YOU wish all Neighbourhood Watch communications to be addressed, plus one alternative contact name if available
3. The telephone number to be used for all Neighbourhood Watch communications plus an emergency number if you wish.
4. Your Email address, if you have one, which is the most efficient means of communication. Over 70% of the homes in Beech have signed up for the Email service.
It is fully appreciated that some residents may object to releasing their telephone numbers if they are already ex-directory but it should be emphasised that this database is solely for the use of your Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators in order to allow them to keep YOU informed.
The networking is for the benefit of all so please keep your eyes open, stay in contact with your neighbours and report anything suspicious to your Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator or directly to the police.